Thursday, December 4, 2008

My Goals for This Blog

It's my plan to use this blog to chronicle my exploits in building, repairing, moding, and fabricating all things guitar.

I called it My Duct Tape Masterpieces, because that's what my first few projects have been.

Always a fan of renowned luthier, Eddie Van Halen, (insert knowing wink here) I started as a kid with modifying my guitars with whatever parts I could scrounge up. My very first project was to rattlecan paint my Harmony Strat copy my folks bought me for Christmas when I was fifteen. I mean, come on, what fifteen year old aspiring Metalhead wants a sunburst Strat copy? : )

Electrical mods, pick-up upgrades, neck swaps, you name it and I've done it over the years.

While I still like to piece things together from parts nobody ever intended to go together, I'm also finally in a postition to start designing and building my very own guitars from scratch.

So, in that spirit, I've started this blog to keep track of that journey and maybe there are folks out there in Cyberspace that are interested in what I'm doing. That'd be cool. : )

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